Awww shucks! Flattery will get you nowhere.

That being said, I'll add some more:

1. We are modest. Some would say the most modest.

2. The best looking and good at everything. Seriously. We choose not to play professional sports so that it isn't a 32 team tie for first every year. You're welcome.

3. Did I say we are modest?

4. We never repeat things.

I'm going to assume this article also applies to writing comedy. In that case, checkout my Substack thaliascomedy.com!

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Excellent exploration here David. I recall an interview with Steve Martin just as his comedy career was taking off. The interviewer asked him how it felt to be an overnight success. Keep in mind, this guy was like Taylor Swift level popular for the time.

Martin shot her one of those ‘if looks could kill’ kinds of stares and, with an angry tone, answered, “I’ve been putting arrows on my head for ten years, and NOW I’m $%&*ing funny.”

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Wow this is great! I love doing improv comedy (been on a hiatus since getting engaged, married, pregnant immediately, and now raising my newborn) and I never noticed the similarities between comedy and creative writing. Thanks for sharing David!😄

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Fantastic article! It resonates even more so as you’re a visual artist like myself. I’ve always admired comedians as a shy, introvert (not so much nowadays) and toyed with the idea of trying stand up as a way to get out of my comfort zone. I was going to go to Felix Dexter’s comedy course over a weekend when I lived in London, the very year he sadly passed. Who knows where that may have lead! Thanks again!

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I wouldn’t steal a nickel from that hideous woman

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I've really gotten into standup comedy in the last few years...for these reasons. Though their career path is much less complicated and expensive than a musician's, a comedy "performance" is much more difficult. The grind required to be a successful comedian is very inspiring to me.

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What better way to start the week than by reading or listening to something so inspiring and insightful? It guides me to find my path, my own unique path. No matter what challenges you face—whether cutting through thorns, climbing steep hills, or falling into valleys—keep moving forward. In the end, if you persevere, you’ll reach your meadow bathed in sunshine…No matter how many books I read on this, and although they do spark me up, and keeps me going, every story is told differently.

Your article  shows a different angle, so relevant and true! All as a bitesize reminder, a perfect pocket read, in case I need a boost! I will hold onto this :) Thank you David!

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“Do you make pottery for everyone or do you make quirky ceramics that tell stories of motherhood? Be specific.”

Crap, I thought you were talking to me! 🫣😆

The resilience part is the hardest for me, I think. It’s not easy to keep going when it feels like no one notices. But I am learning that I really have no choice in the matter. I’ve lost count of how many times I quit - each time it lasts about 5 minutes until I hear myself think “ok, I’ll give it one more try”.

Great points, David, thank you!

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Such good reminders, thank for sharing them - so true David!

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Thanks Emily 😊 when you break it down we’re all going through the same things!

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