Why You Should Give TikTok a Chance
How to build a creative career, going VIRAL on the clock app.
Do you think TikTok isn’t for you?
So many creatives feel that way.
Many still think it’s a dancing app for kids.
There’s a lot of misinformation that is spread by people who don’t even have an account.
There are a bunch of ways to use TikTok. You can even be successful without ever showing your face or recording a single video.
I’ve been on there for a few years, I’ve got 100k followers and I’ve learnt some things about the platform. So let’s break it down.
Are your people there?
Currently, I believe TikTok is a fantastic platform for any type of creative, to find their people.
And isn’t that why we make work? To find an audience to serve. To put up a beacon of light, to attract and help those who believe the same things as we do?
Yes, it started as an app for kids, but now;
If you serve CEOs of fortune 500 companies – you can reach them on TikTok.
If you serve mothers with ADHD – you can reach them on TikTok.
If you serve health conscious over 50s – you can reach them on TikTok.
If you make art (like me) you can find your people on TikTok.
Whatever demo you create for, you’ll almost certainly find them on TikTok.
The question isn’t if your desired audience is on the platform – it’s; are you able to make good enough content to reach them?
Instagram is shiny. TikTok is honest.
No one cares what you look like, how old you are or what you sound like. Make engaging work and talk about the things users are interested in and you’ll succeed.
This is simply it.
How does it work?
Follower count really isn’t that important on TikTok, it’s more a metric that shows how many times you’ve gone viral.
TikTok is a ‘discovery platform’. The FYP (for you page) is what you are shown when you log into the app and it’s an endless scroll of new content. To see the work of people you follow, you have to go to a different tab.
When you post a TikTok, it will be shown to 200 users, on their FYP.
Some of those users may have watched your videos in the past. Some of them will have shown interest in similar videos - the algo will scour your caption, voice over and text on screen to try and work out what your content is about and who it’s for.

After 200 test views your video will receive a score. You score points for likes, shares, comments and view time. (I think you get the most points for a share).
If your video scores highly, it’ll get shown to 500 more people, then 1000, 2000 and so on. If you keep scoring points, you can get views into the millions.
It doesn’t matter if it’s your first post or your 100th. It doesn’t matter if the last thing you posted went viral. With every post, you’re back to square one. 200 eyeballs (okay 400, smartass), who will let you know if your content is good.
A lot of people talk about being in ‘200 view jail’, if you want lots of views, it’s not luck. You just need to work out how to score points.
How do you go Viral?
Going viral isn’t the answer to all your problems.
Creators like Abraham Piper and
are my inspiration for TT done right. Every now and then they drop a video that does 2million views but that’s a bonus. People watch their content because they care what they have to say. That’s why they have built loyal communities.At this stage I can pretty much engineer a viral video. I know that talking about illegal graffiti and street art causes arguments in my comments. Those comments boost my videos. Every. Time.
I know that videos with satisfying brush strokes or colourful glass jars smashing down stairs get millions of views.
But like Abraham and Coco, I want to build community and establish myself as an artist that people care about.
There will be lots of paint pour videos, they’re replaceable. You need to be the only YOU.
A viral hit brings in thousands of new people to your content. But because those people haven’t been on the journey with you, they have no emotion for you. That can bring criticism, trolls and contrarians.
‘Viral’ by its very nature, must appeal to a mass amount of people. Some of your ideas will but most will be for a very specific community.
Your goal should be to present your ideas in a way that as many people as possible can see them.
Your people.
‘So,’ I hear you say, ‘how do we do that?’
If you write a great article but your headline sucks, no one will read it. The same is true on TikTok.
The first three seconds are key. That’s the point when someone decides to either invest in you or scroll.
You need a ‘hook’ at the start of your video. That can be text on screen, the first thing you say or a visual hook. You’ll see a lot of creators use all three.
This example from one of my favourite follows shows it perfectly. Look at that giant pencil 😂

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Once they’re ‘hooked’, you can take your audience down many different paths.
There are entire books written on how to go viral, go read them.
I really think that if you’re presenting strong ideas, once you’ve mastered the art of good hooks, you’ll do well.
It doesn’t really have much to do with algorithms, you just have to learn about human behaviour.
Things that evoke strong feelings, get reactions. Incredible human feats inspire people. People share things that reenforce their self-image. If it’s relatable it will resonate. Nostalgia is powerful. If you’re inauthentic, we can tell.
If you’ve had a viral article on Substack, I GUARANTEE it can do well on TikTok. You’ve already proven that the idea is good. Now you just need to learn how to package it for TikTok.
And on that note…
I hate making videos – I’m a Writer
If you’re on Substack you likely have an aversion to TikTok and I get it. You’re here because you crave long form and you’re sick of mindless scrolling.
Maybe you hate being on camera, who doesn’t?
Last week I ran a little experiment. I took screen shots of one of my Substack articles and posted the piece as a carousel (a series of images users can swipe through). As of writing, it has received over 30K views and has sent a bunch of new people to my Substack.
They may have fried the dopamine receptors of an entire generation but TikTok now financially rewards creators who make videos longer than a minute. Rumour has it that they will soon be rolling out the ability to upload hour long videos. They want people to spend time on the platform. A long time.
It’s not crazy to expect people to read an entire article within the app. Hook them, let them know what they’ll get, give it to them.
TikTok is a tool
Some people are scared of TikTok. If you let it lead you down a dangerous road, it will.
TikTok is a mirror, with a frighteningly powerful algorithm that knows us better than we know ourselves.
When you first download the app, it’ll show you everything. All the things that give the app a bad name. All the things that are being watched by millions of people. All the videos that will end up on Instagram Reels in a month.
After a short while it will start to get to know you.
As a user of the app you must curate a feed that serves you. Follow uplifting humans who are documenting their incredible journeys.
I get inspired when I use TikTok. However, I’m as susceptible to phone addiction as anyone. When I catch myself in a scroll hole, I remember my rule – create more than you consume.
It’s never been easier to change your life by using the internet.
Back in the day, I wanted a YouTube channel but I was overwhelmed by the tech. I don’t know cameras, I don’t know editing, it all seemed too complicated. TikTok is YouTube Lite because complicated tech has been democratised and video editing on your phone is easy.
Your worries about being seen or your dismissal of the platform, might hold you back from reaching thousands of people and having a real impact. It’s time to take TikTok seriously.
You can probably tell – I’m a TikTok fan. Currently…
I’ve written openly about my dismay around Instagram. I don’t romantacise these platforms. I’m on team ‘creative’ and if there’s a tool that I think could help you, I’ll tell ya.
This was a great read, David! Thanks for the insights.
Interesting read, as per. Currently opened a tik tok account and have one follower so far, need to give it some more time!